The Council of the Township of Scugog has received an application to amend Zoning By-law 14-14 from KMD Community Planning and Consulting Inc. on behalf of the current owners. The subject lands are municipally known as 3263 Chandler Drive and shown on the map below.

Purpose and Effect of the Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment:

The purpose of the Zoning By-law Amendment is to rezone the western portion of the subject lands from the Agricultural (AG) zone to the Shoreline Residential (SR) zone. A rezoning is required to facilitate a future Consent application to create two additional lots, each to contain a single-detached dwelling with frontage onto Chandler Drive. This application was deemed complete as of July 5, 2024.

Public Meeting:

The Council of the Township of Scugog held a Public Meeting on Monday, October 21, 2024.

Residents can watch the meeting recording through the Township’s website at:

To watch the video recording of the meeting, click on the Planning and Community Affairs meeting on October 21, 2024, and select the HTML version of the agenda to follow along with the agenda and video recording at the same time.

To Be Notified of the Decision: If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Township of Scugog on the proposed zoning by-law amendment, you must make a written request to the Office of the Township Clerk, Township of Scugog, 181 Perry Street, Port Perry, ON L9L 1A7.

To Appeal: If a person or public body would otherwise have an ability to appeal the decision of the Township of Scugog to the Ontario Land Tribunal but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or make written submissions to the Township of Scugog before the by-law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision.

If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Township of Scugog before the by-law is passed, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal, unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to do so.

For more information about this matter, including information about appeal rights, please contact the Township Planning Staff.

Comments or Questions:

Written comments can also be provided to the Planning Department at before a recommendation report is brought forward for Council's consideration.

For more information and/or to be notified of subsequent meetings or the decision of the Township of Scugog Council, please contact Township Planning Staff.

The Supporting Documents on this website can be provided in Accessible Format upon request.