On September 23, 2024, Council of the Township of Scugog decided not to endorse a proposed MZO, as recommended by the Planning and Community Affairs Committee. The public can watch the Council meeting via livestream. A copy of the minutes of the meeting will be available via our Council Calendar.


On September 16, 2024, the Planning and Community Affairs Committee (PCA) was presented a report by staff which considered the passing a resolution and request the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to enact an MZO to implement a proposed development (see information below). The Commitee passed a motion to deny the request. Please click on the link to the Planning and Community Affairs Committee - September 16, 2024 (escribemeetings.com) and the staff report is item 11.1 on the agenda.

On June 24, 2024, Township Council considered a Minister’s Zoning Order (MZO), under section 47 of the Planning Act for a new community in Port Perry. Avenu Properties has asked the Township of Scugog to request the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to approve a Minister’s Zoning Order (MZO) to permit a new community with up to 600 new dwelling units with a mix of unit types, sizes, and tenures, supported by local commercial uses. The subject lands are generally located east of Simcoe Street and south of Castle Harbour Drive in Port Perry. This request has been referred by Council to staff for review. As part of this review, staff will examine the MZO process to determine whether the Township can retain its authority to impose conditions and ensure that the background studies are to the Township’s satisfaction. In addition, staff will also review the merits of evaluating the proposed development in accordance with the planning process. You can view the livestream of the Council meeting on June 24, through our Council Calendar.

Application Type & No.Minister’s Zoning Order
DateSeptember 23, 2024
Roll Nos182001000814700; 182001000814600
Owner16941 Simcoe St Developments Inc.;
1000709511 Ontario Inc.
Applicant/AgentAvenu Properties Corp.
Municipal Address0 Castle Harbour Drive, south side of Castle Harbour Drive, east of Simcoe Street (Port Perry) and 16941 Simcoe Street

Purpose and Effect of The Proposed MZO:

The purpose of the MZO would rezone the property to permit 600 multi-residential units, on a possible public road from Simcoe Street connected to private roads with public access to the waterfront. Access is also proposed from Castle Harbour Drive. Residential uses would transition from low density to the north with higher density residential uses internal to the site. Commercial uses (retail and restaurants) as well as a beach, walking trails, a pedestrian bridge, and marina are proposed. The development would utilize a private communal wastewater treatment facility and the municipal watermain would be extended from Simcoe Street.

What is a Minister’s Zoning Order (MZO)?

A Minister’s Zoning Order is a planning tool that allows the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to directly zone lands for a specific purpose under Section 47 of the Planning Act. If there is a conflict between an MZO and a municipal zoning by-law, the MZO prevails. An MZO is intended to expedite provincial priorities such as requests that deliver on a provincial priority that is supported by a minister (for example, long-term care, hospitals, transit-oriented communities, educational facilities, housing priorities, economic development, manufacturing, etc.).

The MZO gives the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing the ability to order expedited zoning requests that can be supported by a resolution of Council. The Minister’s decision to issue or not issue an order cannot be appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal.

Planning Designations/Zoning:

Greenbelt Plan AreaTowns/Villages within the Protected Countryside
Region Official PlanLiving Areas and Waterfront Areas
Scugog Official PlanResidential and Hazard Lands, Castle Harbour Drive (Local Road), Simcoe Street (Regional Type A Arterial Road)
Zoning By-law 14-14R3 (Urban Partial Service Residential) and EP (Environmental Protection)

Comments and questions on this proposal can be submitted to planning@scugog.ca.