Cannabis Information
Consultation has concluded
On October 17, 2018 the Cannabis Act came into effect which legalized the cultivation, production, and use of cannabis for recreational purposes. Cannabis retail outlets are regulated by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) and as part of the application process, the applicant is required to post a public notice on the subject property and residents are able to provide comments on any new applications.
While the licensing of commercial cannabis production falls under federal jurisdiction, regulating the location of cannabis facilities (cultivation and/or production) is done, in part, through the Township's Official Plan and Zoning By-law 14-14, as amended.
At the time the Township's Official Plan and Zoning By-law were prepared and enacted, the cultivation and production of cannabis was not contemplated as a legal land use, and therefore the Official Plan and Township Zoning By-law contain no reference to cannabis. Cannabis cultivation and production facilities are not specifically defined or identified as a permitted use and there are no performance standards in the Township Zoning By-law to address land use planning considerations, such as compatibility with other permitted uses in the Township Zoning By-law.
Since the Cannabis Act came into effect, and particularly in recent months, the Township has received an increasing number of enquiries regarding potential locations for cannabis cultivation and production facilities, as well as an increasing number of complaints regarding already established cannabis operations within the Township.
Interim Control By-law: On June 29, 2020, Council passed an Interim Control By-law 42-20 prohibiting any new cannabis facilities within the agricultural area for one year. On June 28, 2021, Council passed By-law 30-21, extending the Interim Control By-law to June 29, 2022.
Public Open House: The Township held a virtual public open house on June 16, 2021 to provide interested parties the opportunity to learn more about the proposed amendments, make comments, identify issues and provide additional information relative to the proposed amendments. A copy of the presentation that was provided at the Public Open House is available under Documents.
Public Meeting: A virtual public meeting was held on April 11, 2022 at 6:30pm to provide interested parties the opportunity to learn more about the proposed amendments and policy direction and provide comments and questions. No decision were made at the public meeting. Interested residents can watch the public meeting through the Council calendar on the Township’s website: Click on the Planning & Community Affairs Committee meeting on April 11 and select the Video option in the pop-up window.
Status: On June 27, 2022, Township Council passed By-laws 38-22 and 39-22 in relation to the Township-initiated Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment to regulate cannabis production facilities within the Township of Scugog. The notice of decision was issued on July 5th and the appeal period ends on July 25, 2022. If no appeals are received, than the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment policies and regulations will be brought into effect.
For More Information or to Provide Input:
Online Engagement: This online consultation page has been set up to provide all project information to residents. Comments and questions can be submitted to the project team through the Questions and Comments section of the page.
Written comments: Written comments can be provided to the Manager of Planning. Comments and questions can be sent via email or mail or dropped off at the Township offices.
Township Contact: For more information, to provide comments, and/or to be notified of subsequent meetings or the decision of the Township of Scugog Council, please contact Township Planning Staff:
Planning, Township of Scugog
181 Perry Street, Box 780
Port Perry, ON L9L 1A7
905-985-7346 or
Submit your questions and comments here: