Notices of Construction
Construction has begun for approved residential growth in Scugog. Notices of construction were mailed to homeowners in the area of Union Avenue and Forestlane Way to notify them of the works that will be taking place as part of the Ribcor and Chieftan developments along Union Avenue. These developments have been approved by the Region of Durham and Township of Scugog in accordance with the Regional and Township Official Plans.
As part of the development application process, appropriate plans and studies are required, such as environmental studies and arborist reports, to address environmental features on site. All significant environmental features, as defined in accordance with Provincial, Regional and local criteria, are to be protected. Plans and studies submitted are reviewed and approved by Township staff and peer review consultants on behalf of the Township, as well as the Conservation Authority and the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP), where applicable.
These plans and reports identify which features are required to be protected and the appropriate measures to be taken during construction, such as tree protection fencing.
Trees that do not meet the criteria may be approved to be removed as part of the construction.
In accordance with the approved plans, the 1.5-acre woodlot internal to the site on the north side of Forestlane Way and the hedgerow of 18 mature Norway Spruce trees along Union Avenue will be protected as part of the initial earthworks. Tree protection fencing will be set up to protect these areas. Other trees are approved to be removed because of the significant grading that is required in order to accommodate the residential development. Trees approved to be removed are to be replaced through the planting of new trees on site and/or financial compensation to the Township to plant replacement trees elsewhere in the Township.
Construction can be disruptive and Township staff will continue to work closely with developers and contractors to ensure work will be undertaken as per approved permits and agreements. Construction Management Plans have been prepared to proactively mitigate potential impacts during construction, such as dust control measures, truck traffic and noise. Access for residents and emergency services will be maintained during construction. We thank residents affected by the work for their patience.
Ribcor Holdings Inc.
Please be advised that works will begin shortly in the new year on the vacant lands located on the west side of Union Avenue (see map enclosed). Ribcor Holdings Inc. (Developer) has received approval from the Township of Scugog to carry out earth grading and removal of material offsite, install underground services and construct roads within Phase 2 of their residential subdivision. These works will be completed in accordance with an Agreement executed with the Township of Scugog and the requirements of other external agencies, including Kawartha Conservation Authority and the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP).
The Township, Developer, the Developer’s Consultant (Stantec Consulting Ltd), and the Developer’s Contractor are committed to minimizing disruptions and inconveniences as much as possible, but we recognize that there may still be some inconvenience to your daily activities. Township staff and contracted inspectors will monitor the site throughout construction. A Construction Management Plan and Fill Management Plan have been prepared to proactively mitigate potential impacts during the construction period.
During construction there will be construction traffic and equipment in the work areas. Construction access will be provided off Union Avenue. The development area under construction will be fenced off and secured. For your safety, access to the development area is strictly prohibited.
Access to your residence, Emergency Services (Police, Fire and Ambulance), mail delivery and waste collection will be maintained or otherwise coordinated by Stantec and/or the Developer’s Contractor.
Please note that stakes and paint markings will be placed on the boulevards and front lawns on existing roads bounding the site by the utility agencies (hydro, gas, Bell), the Region’s works department and the Developer’s contractor. These indicate the approximate location of existing utilities, and proposed location of new service locations which require excavations. Please avoid disturbance to these because re-marking will extend the construction duration.
The Developer's consultant has taken a photographic inventory of trees and boulevards fronting houses adjacent where construction is taking place. The contractor will reinstate any grass or landscape features that may be inadvertently disturbed during this work.
We will continue to keep you advised of activity in advance of work, however there may be times when timely contact is not possible due to occurrences that may arise necessitating a change in the contractor’s schedule, approach to work, weather conditions, etc. We respectfully request your patience and cooperation while this work is done.
Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation during construction. Should you require further information or have any questions or comments about this project, please contact:
Stephen Stanger Stantec Consulting Ltd. Field Services Project Manager 647-449-2582 | Vince Barrese Township of Scugog Development Engineering Technologist 905-985-7346 x175 |
Chieftan Development Corporation
Please be advised that works will begin shortly on the vacant lands located on the northwest corner of Union Avenue and Josephine Street at 234 Union Avenue (see map enclosed). Chieftan Development Corporation (Developer) has received approval from the Township to carry out tree removals, earth grading and removal of material offsite within the subject lands to prepare the site for the residential subdivision that has been approved for this area. These works will be completed in accordance with an Agreement executed with the Township of Scugog and the requirements of other external agencies, including the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP).
An updated Tree Preservation Plan and Arborist Report have been submitted and peer reviewed by the Township’s arborist consultant to identify trees to be protected, trees approved to be removed to accommodate grading and a future road, and the amount of trees to be compensated and replaced. These revised plans and report are available upon request. In accordance with the approved plans, the woodlot internal to the site on the north side of Forestlane Way and the hedgerow of 18 mature Norway Spruce trees along Union Avenue will be protected as part of these initial earthworks. Tree protection fencing is to be installed and maintained throughout construction on this site.
Other trees on this site are approved to be removed because of the significant grading that is required in order to accommodate the residential development. Trees approved to be removed are to be replaced through the planting of new trees on site and/or financial compensation to the Township to plant replacement trees elsewhere in the Township.
It is recognized that construction activities may be disruptive. Township staff and contracted inspectors will monitor the site throughout construction. A Construction Management Plan and Fill Management Plan have been prepared to proactively mitigate potential impacts during the construction period. During construction there will be construction traffic and equipment in the work areas. Construction access will be provided off Union Avenue.
The development area under construction will be fenced off and secured. For your safety, access to the development area is strictly prohibited.
Construction hours are subject to the Township’s Noise By-law which stipulates the construction can take place within a residential area between 7a.m. and 7p.m. Monday to Saturday. Construction is not permitted on Sundays and Public Holiday(s).
Due to the topography of the area, grading is required, which requires the removal of fill from the site. Enhanced dust control measures will be implemented by the Contractor as required, which may include, but not be limited to, watering, use of wind fencing, road cleaning, etc.
It will take approximately 3 weeks to remove the trees, with earthworks scheduled to begin in the spring of 2022.
The Township, Chieftan Development Corporation and Candevcon East Limited (the Developer’s consultant) are committed to minimize disruptions and inconveniences as much as possible. Township staff and contracted inspectors will monitor the site to ensure that all works are being undertaken in accordance with the approved plans. We respectfully request your patience and cooperation while this work is done. Regular status updates will be provided throughout the project on the Township’s website and social media.
Should you require further information or have any questions or comments about this project, please feel free to contact one of the following:
Kevin J. Dwyer, C.E.T. Senior Project Manager Candevcon East Limited 289-315-3680 | Kate Alisiyevich Construction Inspector Candevcon East Limited 647-967-7777 | Vince Barrese Township of Scugog Development Engineering Technologist 905-985-7346 x175 |