The Region of Durham, in coordination with the Townships of Brock, Scugog, and Uxbridge, has retained WSP Canada Inc. to undertake a North Durham Agriculture-related and On-farm Diversified Uses Study. The purpose of the Study is to provide recommendations on policies for agriculture-related and on-farm diversified activities, and the application and approval processes for these activities within the Townships. The main objectives of the Study are to support economic viability within the rural and agricultural areas of North Durham by better enabling agriculture-related and on-farm diversified uses and in doing so, help farmers.

The Study is being conducted through five (5) phases as shown in the figure below and is scheduled to conclude in spring 2025. At this time, the Study is in Phase 5, where WSP will present the final recommendations report for the proposed land use planning framework to each of the three (3) Township Councils.

Following the recommendation report and presentation to Scugog Council, a statutory public meeting will be held to seek any additional feedback on the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment. Staff will then present a recommendation report to Council.

Agriculture-Related Uses:

Means those farm-related commercial and farm-related industrial uses that are directly related to farm operations in the area, support agriculture, benefit from being in close proximity to farm operations, and provide direct products and/or services to farm operations.

A use may be permitted as an Agriculture-Related Use if it meets the following six (6) criteria:

  • The use is a farm-related commercial or farm-related industrial use;
  • The use is directly related to farm operations in the area;
  • The use supports agriculture;
  • The use provides direct products and/or services to farm operations as a primary activity;
  • The use benefits from being in close proximity to farm operations; and
  • The use is compatible with, and does not hinder, surrounding agricultural operations.

On-Farm Diversified Uses:

Means uses that are secondary to the principal agricultural use of the property and are limited in area. On-farm diversified uses include, but are not limited to, home occupations, home industries, agri-tourism uses, uses that produce value-added agricultural products, and electricity generation facilities and transmission systems, and energy storage systems.

A use may be permitted as an On-Farm Diversified Use if it meets the following five (5) criteria:

  • The use is located on a farm; 
  • The use is secondary to the principal agricultural use of the property; 
  • The use is limited in area; 
  • The use may include home occupations, home industries, agri-tourism, and value-added uses; and 
  • The use is compatible with, and does not hinder, surrounding agricultural operations. 

Public Open House:

A Public Open House for Consultation on the Draft Recommendations and Applicant Toolkit has been scheduled for Monday, March 3, 2025 from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM at the Scugog Community Recreation Centre (Meeting Rooms 2 and 3) located at 1655 Reach Street, Port Perry.

Members of the public may also attend virtually through Zoom and register using the below link:

Public Survey:

A Public Survey for Consultation on the Draft Recommendations and Applicant Toolkit can be completed through the Region of Durham's project webpage.

For More Information:

For more information, please refer to the Region of Durham's Project Webpage using the link below:

Enabling Agriculture-Related and On-Farm Diversified Uses in North Durham | Your Durham

For further questions, please reach out to the Planning Department at