The Township’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 14-14 was passed on September 29, 2014 and has not undergone any significant review to date. Two minor housekeeping amendments were completed in 2015 and 2017. The Township is proposing some further housekeeping amendments to the Zoning By-law. The Township-initiated technical and housekeeping amendments are intended to keep the by-law current, user-friendly, and assist with interpretations.
The Township will undertake a comprehensive update to the Zoning By-law following the comprehensive update to the Township Official Plan.
Please see Document Library for a copy of the Draft Zoning By-law Amendment.
The proposed amendments include the following:
- Amend the definition of Gross Floor Area to be clearer and align with the Ontario Building Code
- Amend the definition of Ground Floor Area
- Amend the definition of Commercial Vehicle and remove the definition of Commercial Motor Vehicle
- Permit Decks in the front yard, with associated setbacks and encroachment provisions
- Permit Porches in the interior side yard, with associated setbacks and encroachment provisions
- Add yard requirements and permitted encroachments for generators and heat pumps
- Amend wording related to yard requirements for swimming pools, gazebos, boathouses, water pumps and saunas
- Amend the provisions regarding keeping of livestock
- Amend the minimum off-street parking requirements for hotel, motel, motor hotel and tourist resort establishment to include parking for employees
- Amend accessible parking space requirements
- Amend parking area design requirements to also apply to zones with condominium roads and add new provisions related to condominium roads
- Permit Emergency Service Facilities in Certain Zones in Settlement Areas
- Add permitted uses for the Oak Ridges Moraine Estate Residential (ORM-ER) Zone
- Add a holding provision (H) to lands zoned Environmental Protection (EP) and Oak Ridges Moraine Environmental Protection (ORM-EP)
- Remove the Holding Provision for the Oxnard Townhouse development as the holding provision has been resolved
- Update the temporary use by-law permissions for 1401 Scugog Line 6 in accordance with Council’s approval on June 26, 2023
Public Meeting:
A Public Meeting has been scheduled for Monday, March 17, 2025 at 6:30 pm
Members of the public can now watch the Statutory Public Meeting recording at 6:30 pm on March 17, 2025, through the Township’s website at the following link:
See Documents Section for formal Notice of Public Meeting for more details.
For More Information or to Provide Input:
For more information, to provide comments or ask questions, and/or to be notified of subsequent meetings or the decision of the Township of Scugog Council, please send an email to