Application Type: Amendment to a Draft Plan of Subdivision (18T-90042)
Location: Nestleton Station (Ward 4)
Roll Numbers: 1820.040.050.07300 and 1820.040.050.06430
Applicant & Owner: 1862003 Ontario Ltd. (John Duivenvoorden)
Agent: Innovative Planning Solutions (James Hunter)
Official Plan Land Use Designation: Hamlet
Current Zoning: Hamlet Residential – Private Service (HR1) subject to a Holding provision (H)

Background: This subdivision was draft approved on October 29, 1993 and amended on February 28, 1994. The current draft plan has 29 single detached dwelling lots and a stormwater management block. In November 2017, Durham Region received an application for a proposed amendment to this draft approved plan of subdivision.

Proposed Plan: This amendment application is proposing a residential subdivision off Nestleton Road in the hamlet of Nestleton Station, with 36 single detached dwellings, 2 open space blocks and a stormwater management facility. The subdivision has proposed road connections to Nestleton Road.

Public Meeting: A Virtual Public Meeting was held on January 17, 2022 at 6:30pm to provide interested parties with an opportunity to learn more about the application and provide questions and comments. A video of the public meeting is available to watch on the Council and Committee Meeting Calendar Page on the Township’s Website. Click on the January 17, 2022 Planning and Community Affairs Committee meeting in the January Calendar and a link to the video will be within the pop-up window.

Next Steps: On December 18, 2023, Township Council approved proposed Draft Plan Conditions for this subdivision. The proposed conditions have been forwarded to the Region of Durham to be included in the Draft Plan Conditions for the amended Draft Plan of Subdivision.

For More Information or to Provide Input:

For more information, to provide comments or ask questions, and/or to be notified of subsequent meetings or the decision of the Township of Scugog Council or the Region of Durham's decision on the Draft Plan of Subdivision, please send an email to



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