Application Types: Zoning By-law Amendment (Z/01/2021) and Draft Plan of Subdivision (S-S-2021-01)
Location: Part of Lot 13, Concession 4, 1370 King Street (Ward 1)
Applicant & Owner: O'Connor Bros. Corp.
Agent: R. Clark, Clark Consulting Services
Current Land Use Designation: Hamlet
Current Zoning: Future Development (FD)

Proposal: The applications are proposing to rezone the lands to Hamlet Residential - Private Services (HR1) to facilitate the development of 9 single detached dwelling lots on private water and septic services.

Status: The materials submitted with the applications were circulated to Township staff and external agencies for review and comment. Department and Agency comments were sent to the Applicant in September 2021. Township staff are working with the applicant to address any agency and public comments. A Public Meeting will be scheduled in the future.

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