Application Type: Draft Plan of Subdivision (S-S-2012-01)

Location: 17300 Island Road, Hummingbird Way

Applicant: R. Rondeau, 17300 Island Road Management Services Inc.

Proposal: The purpose of the Draft Plan of Subdivision is to subdivide the lands for 16 single detached dwelling residential lots on private services, including a stormwater management block, access road, and open space block.

Status: On October 15, 2014, the Region of Durham granted draft plan approval to the subdivision. A three-year extension to the draft approval was granted in October 2017 and again in 2020. With changes to the Planning Act, the draft plan approval shall now lapse on October 15, 2026. The applicant is working on fulfilling the conditions of draft plan approval.

For More Information:

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Please note the public commenting period has ended since the subdivision application has received draft plan approval.