The Township of Scugog has adopted an amendment to the Township's Official Plan to delegate the approval of removal of holding (H) provisions under the Planning Act.
Section 39.2 of the Planning Act, as amended by Bill 13: Supporting People and Businesses Act, 2021, enables Council to pass a by-law to delegate the authority to pass by-laws under Section 34 of the Planning Act (Zoning By-laws) that are of a minor nature, including by-laws to remove a holding (H) provision, to a Committee of Council, or an individual who is an officer, employee or agent of the municipality.
What is a Holding (H) Provision?
Section 36 of the Planning Act authorizes municipalities to apply a Holding (H) Provision to an amending zoning by-law to delay development of the site until specific conditions are met. Holding provisions may be applied for items such as ensuring the orderly stage of development, confirmation of adequate infrastructure and community services, ensure the execution of legal agreements such as subdivision agreements or site plan agreements, approval of subdivision plans and/or approval of any supporting studies. The most common uses of the Holding Provision within Scugog are to ensure appropriate servicing is available, to ensure appropriate legal agreements (subdivision, site plan, etc.) are entered into, and to review Environmental Impact Studies to ensure there are no negative impacts to a natural heritage feature.
Details of the Official Plan Amendment:
The Official Plan Amendment applies to all lands in the Township of Scugog. On this basis, no location map has been provided.
The purpose of the Official Plan Amendment is to amend the text of the Township of Scugog Official Plan to establish policies to allow the approval of minor Zoning By-law Amendments, specifically the removal of a holding (H) provision, to be delegated to an employee, specifically the Director of Development Services or their designate.
An amendment to the Township's Delegated Authority By-law Number 40-22 was also passed to implement the proposed additional delegated authority. See Documents Section for copies of the approved amendments.
Public Meeting:
A Public Meeting was held on Monday, December 9, 2024 where no members of the public provided comments.
Members of the public can now watch the Statutory Public Meeting recording at 6:30 pm on December 9, 2024, through the Township’s website at the following link:
The amendments were approved by Council on December 16, 2024 with no appeals received. See Documents Section for Notice of Decision and Certificate of No Appeals.