Scugog IT Strategy

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Scugog IT Strategy

The Township of Scugog has developed a five-year Corporate IT Strategic Plan and is looking for community input throughout the implementation. Following the success of our newly implemented online Building e-permitting – with over a 100 entered – we are making the switch from older tech and paper-based systems to digital.

The implementation of the IT Strategic plan will consider how the use of technology can make the Township more productive, enhance services and improve customer and staff experiences. The plan will provide a five-year roadmap and we want our community members to participate throughout our implementation. The permit process will be a more proactive, customer-centric approach to customer service on a digital platform. Please stay tuned for more improvement and implementation of new technology as part of our five-year Scugog IT Strategy that will see Scugog modernizing processes and services to better serve the community.

A newly completed project is the Township of Scugog Disaster Recover and Business Continuity Strategy Review to complete a business impact analysis and develop a Business Continuity Plan (BCP), which contains a system of procedures detailing how to restore critical business functions in the event of an unplanned disaster (eg. Natural disasters, security breaches, service outages, and other potential threats). The report identifies specific, actionable recommendations based on the analysis and findings that aim to identify cost savings and improved efficiencies. The report includes detailed explanations and calculations of identified potential quantifiable efficiencies and/or cost savings.

The COVID-19 pandemic has also highlighted our reliance on technology and the benefits technology has to offer for business continuity. Ensure your voice is heard, we want to meet the needs of our community and input from you throughout the implementation process is important to us.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Thank you for your previous feedback on the development of our Corporate IT Strategic Plan. Now that implementation has commenced, we value your feedback along the way.

How can you participate?

  • Comments, comments, comments... we are listening.
  • Ask your question and share your ideas below.

The Final five-year Corporate IT Strategic Plan was presented and approved by Council on Monday, January 17, 2021. For more information please contact the Clerk's Department at

The Township of Scugog Disaster Recover and Business Continuity Strategy Review has been finalized and available on the website on Tuesday, January 31, 2023. For more information please contact the Clerk's Department at

Scugog IT Strategy

The Township of Scugog has developed a five-year Corporate IT Strategic Plan and is looking for community input throughout the implementation. Following the success of our newly implemented online Building e-permitting – with over a 100 entered – we are making the switch from older tech and paper-based systems to digital.

The implementation of the IT Strategic plan will consider how the use of technology can make the Township more productive, enhance services and improve customer and staff experiences. The plan will provide a five-year roadmap and we want our community members to participate throughout our implementation. The permit process will be a more proactive, customer-centric approach to customer service on a digital platform. Please stay tuned for more improvement and implementation of new technology as part of our five-year Scugog IT Strategy that will see Scugog modernizing processes and services to better serve the community.

A newly completed project is the Township of Scugog Disaster Recover and Business Continuity Strategy Review to complete a business impact analysis and develop a Business Continuity Plan (BCP), which contains a system of procedures detailing how to restore critical business functions in the event of an unplanned disaster (eg. Natural disasters, security breaches, service outages, and other potential threats). The report identifies specific, actionable recommendations based on the analysis and findings that aim to identify cost savings and improved efficiencies. The report includes detailed explanations and calculations of identified potential quantifiable efficiencies and/or cost savings.

The COVID-19 pandemic has also highlighted our reliance on technology and the benefits technology has to offer for business continuity. Ensure your voice is heard, we want to meet the needs of our community and input from you throughout the implementation process is important to us.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Thank you for your previous feedback on the development of our Corporate IT Strategic Plan. Now that implementation has commenced, we value your feedback along the way.

How can you participate?

  • Comments, comments, comments... we are listening.
  • Ask your question and share your ideas below.

The Final five-year Corporate IT Strategic Plan was presented and approved by Council on Monday, January 17, 2021. For more information please contact the Clerk's Department at

The Township of Scugog Disaster Recover and Business Continuity Strategy Review has been finalized and available on the website on Tuesday, January 31, 2023. For more information please contact the Clerk's Department at

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    Who one the iPad?

    JDC asked over 2 years ago

    The draw for the iPad took place at the Focus Group on November 17th. Judy from Port Perry was the winner of the iPad! Click here to see the post on Facebook for more information. 

Page last updated: 16 Oct 2023, 10:05 AM